Beekman Recreation & Parks
Register Now

Create Account

Adult, Parent or Guardian Information
An account with Beekman Rec, is a "household" with up to 2 parents and their unmarried children under 24 years of age living permanently in the residence; if there are multiple families, grandparents, other relatives, nannies, or babysitters living at the same residence, each must set up their own account.

Enter the PRIMARY ADULT FIRST (the one who will log on to do registrations, who will receive receipts, and email blasts), then list a second parent if there is one, and then the children.  All must be listed when you set up the account!  

You will be contacted within one business day with either an "account approval" or a request for more information prior to your account being approved.

If you are claiming that you are a Beekman Resident, you will be asked to come inot the office and prove residency with a photo ID and a bill to your name and address.


Creating an account is a one-time event that allows you to utilize this system. It is not a registration by itself.
  1. Enter the primary adult first.
  2. Add other members of your household from the Account Members portion of your account.
  3. You can now make registrations and other purchases using the site navigation.

If you have previously made an account and cannot log in, please reset your password or contact us instead of creating a new account.

Account Information

Primary Account Member

Must be 18 to make an account.

Contact Information


Provide physician's name & phone number. Include conditions** coaches/instructors and first aid personnel should be aware of.

**Conditions may include allergies, disabilities, hearing loss, or other emotional, mental, physical, and learning issues.
 Be sure to provide any information a coach or instructor would need to know in case of injury or incident.

Account Login Information

Password must have 12+ characters, an uppercase & lowercase letter, a number, & a symbol.
Accepted symbols: `~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.<>/?'\

Please provide an answer below to let us know you're not a robot.
3 + 4 =

All fields required for households except Apt and Ext.