Beekman Recreation & Parks
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Camp After Care

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After-care offers camper centered activities including playground time, games and crafts.  It is available from 4 pm to 5:30pm for Full Day campers, LITs, CITs and RIs registered in Beekman Day Camp

Please provide a separately packed snack for your child or money to purchase one!

Camp After Care Opportunities
Pick-up is at the Pavillion
This extends the camp day until 5:30pm
Staff will supervise your children in the park
Staff will bring your children to Swim Lessons or Swim Team if he/she is registered for those programs separately and a note is signed by the parent/guardian *
All children must be picked up on or before 5:30pm or a late fee will be applied
* We do not transport your child to off-campus swim meets

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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